Articles on Faith-topics:share-your-faith

Helping New Believers Grow

Six essential steps to start someone on the road toward Christian maturity.

10 Reasons You’re Not Reading the Bible

Do you struggle with why people read the Bible? Can I challenge the reasons you’ve decided not to open this book with 10 reasons you’ve told yourself not to read this book?

4 Phrases Christians Need to Stop Saying

We’ve adopted four sayings into our everyday verbiage that may offer less biblical truth than we think.

Talking About Jesus in a Parking Lot

Sus and Mike Schmitt meet an 18-year-old who asks a life-altering question.

This Woman Has Found An Instant Gospel Conversation Starter

Earline Blumhagen’s strategy is connecting with both urban and deaf communities.

Who Told You About Jesus?

Who told you about Jesus?

Community 2:8 (Evangelistic Community)

Our incredibly high ratio of exposures to involved new believers has left me longing for our evangelistic approaches to be not only successful, but also effective.

Do Talk to Strangers

Learn how you can respond to God's call to share your faith with others.

The Tell-Tale Art

How your story can help change lives.

Intentional Fishing

As Christians we are called to community. We cannot live the Christian life alone. We are not effective alone. We are social by design.

Bringing the Gospel Home

How do you talk to your parents about Jesus? How can I witness to my family? There tends to be three recurring themes: patience, love and comprehensiveness.

Should You Call Yourself "Evangelical?"

Now, more than ever, as followers of Jesus in a post-Christian culture, what we do needs to match what we say.

Are You Afraid of Offending People With Your Faith?

Helping you obey the Lord’s call to evangelism without turning people away.

Don't Wait – Spill Your Secrets

Some will say you should build a resume of trust first, before risking telling the mystery of the gospel. That helps, but it’s not essential.

How Should Christians Respond To Earth Day?

I believe nature is one of the most powerful tools we have in worship and evangelism.

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