Articles on Faith-topics:share-your-faith/apologetics

Why You're Losing the Thinking Man's Battle

The American church is sorely lacking in its ability to equip believers intellectually for the battle this world is currently waging.

Why Are Christians Afraid of Doubt?

Why doubt is not necessarily a road-block to deep faith.

Talking About Hell With Someone You Care About

I can’t forget the look of anger on his face, fueled by pain. The friend he trusted had just placed him under the ultimate judgment.

How to Talk With Agnostics and Atheists

How can we help agnostics know and follow Christ? Let’s look into the life of one former skeptic and the tool he developed to help us better converse spiritually with others.

Is Faith in Jesus a Big Leap?

It is impossible for us to know conclusively whether God exists and what He is like unless He takes the initiative and reveals Himself. We must scan the horizon of history to see if there is any clue to God’s revelation.

Science and Faith: Do They Conflict?

Are science and faith mutually exclusive? Must all scientists be atheists? Or can science and evidence partner with faith, belief and God?

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