Discover practical tips for talking about Jesus to your neighbors.
Brian, a high school student in Oklahoma leads Adam, a college student in North Dakota to pray and receive Christ using his iPhone and the Internet.
Learn to overcome your fear of sharing the gospel with loved ones.
A digital day of outreach created numerous conversations in Australia.
While waiting for a bus in Kansas, an Ethiopian Cru® staff member meets a man from an unreached people group in his home country. He shares the gospel with him using an app, and the man decides to follow Jesus.
Talking to God about someone's needs can bring a chance to talk about God.
Learn how you can respond to God's call to share your faith with others.
One man’s internal struggle to share the gospel will shine insight into your fears in witnessing.
3 stories about first-time evangelism.
What does it really look like to obey Jesus’ command to spread the gospel?
I believe nature is one of the most powerful tools we have in worship and evangelism.
Perhaps this Halloween is the perfect opportunity to respond selflessly in love and care for our neighbors, as well as a way to fight our tendency to isolate.
There are ways to make Halloween a day to spread the love of Christ.
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