Articles on Faith-topics:spiritual-growth/sin

Why Was Jesus Crucified?

Jesus dying on the Cross is one of the most important parts of His story. Learn why He did it and what it means for you.

Why Do I Feel Like God Is Being Hard On Me?

"Perhaps we expect punishment from God, either because we see Him as a harsh master, or see ourselves as dead wood, deserving to be thrown away and burned."

Do You Feel Like You’ve Failed God?

Elliott juxtaposes the stories of Peter and Judas, as well as shares some of his personal story, to demonstrate the different ways we can respond to spiritual failure.

Are All Your Friends Just Like You?

What American Christians miss by not building friendships with people who are different from them.

How Could You Love Me if You Really Knew Me?

Sexual addictive behavior can often be an attempt avoid intimacy rather than find it.

Recurring Sin

Regardless of the form of the destructiveness, several common characteristics are often true of people struggling with habitual sin.

Confession and Repentance

This chapter from the book “Fireseeds of Spiritual Awakening” shows confession and repentance to be the spiritual keys that unlock both personal and global renewal and revival.

The Books That Changed Edi’s Life

Edi blamed God for his father’s death, but found freedom after reading More Than a Carpenter and the Bible.

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