How can you help a friend who has grown up a Christian, but isn’t experiencing a personal relationship with God?
God's love for us doesn't quit just because we are sinners.
Use spiritual breathing to fill you with the Holy Spirit’s power.
Reasons why meeting quietly with God helps you know Him better.
Whether the Spirit’s influence is a slow IV drip or a flowing river depends on our participation in the spiritual life by these six actions.
Rising above circumstances with help from the Holy Spirit.
When you made that decision and invited Jesus into your life, it is important to know, did God hear you? Yes. Jesus promised that He would enter our lives, if we ask Him.
To firmly cement in our minds the foundations for guilt-free living, this chapter will look at the biblical teachings on law and grace. This is fundamental to overcoming guilt and building a positive self-image.
Everyone knows that faith plays a significant role in our spiritual growth, but practically speaking it either occupies too much or too little of our understanding.
If you or someone you know recently became a Christian you’re absorbing lots of new ideas. What are some common misconceptions for people at this point in their spiritual journey?
“The Spiritual Starter Kit” is a free 7-part e-mail series covering the most essential and foundational concepts of what it means to walk with Christ.
Alejandra’s new relationship with God is leading her family back to faith as well.
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