Articles on Secular-topics:life-issues/suicide

To the Depressed Christian

As a Christian, depression tempted me to distrust God. I was desperately seeking deliverance He seemed to withhold from me.

3 Ways to Care for Your Depressed Friend

Whether you’re unsure if your loved one is actually depressed or terrified to leave them alone, here are 3 things your friend needs from you right now.

Resources for the Struggles of Life

If you are suffering from something specific today, here are some articles that may help you.

10 Things I Learned From My Daughter's Suicide

My world still stops for a few seconds when I say those words. I never cease to feel the enormity of the loss, the emptiness left in her wake. The wound has healed, but the scar remains.

The Day I Planned to Die

On the way to commit suicide, a teen hears a voice in his head that tells him not to. A few days later he finds out what stopped him.

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