Outreach Strategies

How to Incorporate Your Faith at Work

회의에서 아프리카계 미국인 사업가의 초상화

It’s a tricky topic for every Christian with a job. What role should your faith play at work?

Do you have to drop your faith at the door to your office? Is it even legal to talk about religion at work?

Whether it’s a classroom, cubicle or car, your faith can play an important role in your work environment.

Examine your motivation for your job. Ask the Lord to show you His purposes for the role He has you in.

In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus says, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Ask God to increase your care and compassion for your co-workers. Remember that God has placed you there for a specific purpose. 

What would happen if you became more vocal about your faith at work? Could you be fired? Denied a promotion? Don’t worry, it is legal to talk about your faith at work, especially during lunch and breaks.

How do you begin?

  • Start with prayer. Pray specifically for each of your co-workers by name. Pray for opportunities not only to demonstrate your faith, but also for spiritual conversations.
  • Get connected with a faith community. Ask your church to pray for you.  Find other people in your field of work. Contact Cru City, the marketplace ministry of Cru and see if they’re in your city.
  • Start a conversation. Ask what kind of spiritual background they have. Mention your church, or that you prayed for something. Test the waters to see how receptive they are to spiritual topics.  Remember that even if they seem uninterested at first, God could be preparing them for a later time.
  • Invite them to church, or to a special event, like a Christian concert or Christmas Eve service.
  • Offer to pray with them.
  • Show them an evangelistic tool, like Would You Like to Know God Personally? or a changed-life story which might connect with them.
  • Tell them your faith story.
  • Use a survey.

Need some motivation?

Check out these stories of how people have used their careers in ministry

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